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Sync or Swim: A Particle Model of the Interactions within Fish Schools


Animal aggregates are groupings of coupled animals that behave in a synchronized manner, such as flocks, herds, schools, and swarms.  Flocks and schools are particularly interesting because the synchronization is not due to a leader.  Instead, each animal in the aggregate follows instinctual “rules'' about movement in relationship with each other and external animals and objects. We model the movement of a school of fish using attraction-repulsion forces between fish and targets and obstacles. Leveraging parallel processing on graphics cards, we created an algorithm in C that simulates the movement and synchronization of schools of fish.


David Ebert

Mikaela Jordan



Student Presentations

Math Day 2017

Stephenville, Texas May 4 2017

  • Sync or Swim: A Particle Model of the Interactions within Fish Schools – David Ebert and Mikaela Jordan (First Place)

97th Annual Meeting of the Texas Section of the MAA

Texas A&M University Commerce– Commerce, Tx 3/30/2017 – 4/1/2017

  • A Particle Model of the Interactions within Fish Schools – David Ebert, Mikaela Jordan

Closing Remarks

This project could be continued and turned into something nice.

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