Essential Trigonometry Without Geometry Part II: Generalizations and Applications
John Gresham, Bryant Wyatt, Jesse Crawford (2020). “Essential Trigonometry Without Geometry Part II: Generalizations and Applications”. Texas Journal of Science, 72(1) 203-218.
Essential Trigonometry Without Geometry
John Gresham, Jesse Crawford, Bryant Wyatt (2019). “Essential Trigonometry Without Geometry”. Texas Journal of Science, 71(1) 173-190.
Geogebra Animations
123nd Annual Meeting of The Texas Academy of Science
Stephen F. Austin University – Nacogdoches, Texas February 28-29, 2020
Generalizations of the Trigonometry Functions
99th Annual Meeting of the Texas Section of the MAA: Stephenville, Tx March 28-30, 2019
Essential Trigonometry Without Geometry
30th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics
Washington, DC March 15-18, 2018
Finding Complex Zeros of a Cubic Polynomial from its Graph